Kilowatts for a Cause™ Charity Program
The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan (EAG) is partnering with local and national charity partners, their affiliates, and other non-profit organizations, for our new charity & fundraising program called “Kilowatts for a Cause™”.
It is an exciting and new kind of fundraising program and it’s simple – when you generate kilowatts of electricity using solar, the charity partner or non-profit earns money.
The concept is simple to. But more importantly, it is a free program to the charity partner’s supporters or non-profits that participate!
The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan is offering businesses electricity services through solar installations to offset daily electrical use.
Here is how the Kilowatts for a Cause™ program works:
- The charity partner supporters or non-profit with solar installations installed at their business can join the Kilowatts for a Cause™ program for free.
- Those participating in the program will have a solar system installed at their business at no cost. In return, the business or non-profit owner agrees to purchase the electricity generated by solar, at a price equal to or less than their current peak electricity costs.
- The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan then donates to the charity partner or non-profit, a percentage of its annual profits generated from each kWh produced by the solar installation for a period of up 20 years.
The real benefit of this program occurs over time. As more solar installations are installed at each charity partner supporter or non-profit’s facilities, The Energy Alliance Group of Michigan is able to build a successful market while the charity partner and its supporters or non-profits, continue to benefit.
We are proud to offer a truly unique way to contribute to our charity partners and non-profits, and help the environment through the “Kilowatts for a Cause™” program.